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The Orthodox Ethos Extended Podcast
Watch also PART TWO of this practical guide:
How-To Intro to Orthodoxy: A Practical Guide for Inquirers
Practical tips on daily Orthodoxy, so you can go deeper.
05:20 How to make the Sign of the Cross
11:03 Why do we light candles?
18:40 How to greet an Orthodox priest or bishop
22:36 Why do we kiss the priest's hand?
28:54 Ecclesiastical etiquette in church
45:39 Women wear head coverings
51:12 What is the prayer rope?
55:21 A prayer rule with the prayer rope
1:04:21 What is a prayer rule?
1:16:54 Can I use the prayer rope instead of the divine services?
1:20:38 The Orthodox prayer corner
1:28:22 How to prepare for Holy Confession
1:36:55 How to prepare for Holy Communion
1:46:38 Daily prostrations in our kelli
1:49:56 The day of the Lord: How-to live it / No prostrations on Sunday? How-to and why
1:57:20 What is Kolyva
1:59:59 Kolyva: History and Symbolism
2:03:29 Monastic recipe for Kolyva
2:03:57 How to baptize babies
2:05:10 How to baptize adults
2:06:59 How not to baptize
2:07:45 Wearing makeup
2:11:59 Why do Orthodox priests marry?
2:14:55 What should we be thinking as we light candles?
2:16:11 Why do we have theosis and tollhouses?
2:18:33 Reading lives of martyrs to young children
2:20:40 Why are Orthodox not as sure as Protestants about going to heaven?
2:26:27 Go to a parish where don’t understand the liturgy’s language
2:28:05 Women covering their hair
2:28:33 Daily Vespers service
2:29:25 If you see someone crossing their legs in church should you tell them?
2:30:45 General confession
2:34:01 Confession as a catechumen
2:35:15 Eating antidoron as non-Orthodox
2:37:11 Should women wear head-coverings in everyday life?
2:41:14 Deacon’s son coming to church wearing a dress
2:44:22 Confessing only to monastery
2:45:43 Where do I go to get a spiritual father?
2:48:03 Use of myrrh or oil at home
2:50:03 Do we conduct our prayer rule on Sunday?
2:50:20 Is it disrespectful to wear the cross during workout or shower?
2:51:18 Prostrate on Sundays in private prayer
2:52:35 Difference between Sabbath and Sunday?
2:53:56 What is the Greek work for healthy self-forgetfulness?
2:54:41 Is forgetfulness a sin?
2:57:24 If you have fornicated can you become a priest?
3:02:23 Does Matthew 10:8 apply as a command to all bishops
3:04:15 How does one pray to a saint?
3:05:45 Is nationalism a sin?
3:07:30 Should I get my pentagram tattoo removed?
3:08:20 How do I confess if I fall over and over again?
3:14:00 Is it an issue my wife and I decided not to have kids?
3:16:10 Why do we refer to priest by first name rather than last name?
3:17:18 Should proud be used outside of the context of the sin of pride?
3:18:35 Should someone baptized in Methodist church be baptized again in Orthodox church?
3:21:30 Lifelong confession multiple times?
3:22:25 What advice would you give to someone who will be ordained a priest soon?
3:27:53 What to do with someone who has walked away from the faith?
3:28:50 Are we allowed to eat food besides prosphora inside church buildings?
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Thank you to All Saints of America for letting us film inside their parish:
Additional footage provided by OtherwordlyProductions
Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLhPG3UnUXid
Father Angelo Maggos explores the purpose and symbolism behind the Greek Orthodox Church's various use of candles.
Please subscribe and visit our website for more information about our Church and upcoming events! If you have any questions about the Greek Orthodox faith that you would like to see explored, let us know in the comments below!
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Recorded & Edited by Demos Euclid
#greek #orthodox #roc
Fr. Josiah Trenham is the pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California.
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Armenian Orthodox Church in London
Archbishop Demetrios, head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, outlines the basic tenets of his faith, which has some 300 million adherents around the world, 5 million of them in the U.S.
I am inviting you into my home to see what I, an Orthodox Christian, do differently here than other Christian families!
Part I “ Things I do differently as an Orthodox Christian”: https://youtu.be/12gQwcFHbjs?si=JCvyUl9hDJdSetcC
Part II of “Things I do differently as an Orthodox Christian”: https://youtu.be/_XEPZ-ou5Xs?si=q84jH29UOMfvCx4r
Book of Hours:
Armenian "Book of Hours": https://www.stvartanbookstore.....com/Book-of-Hours-of
Translation of the Armenian "Book of Hours": https://www.amazon.com/Armenian-Apostolic-English-Translation-Singing/dp/B0CZ8K357G/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?crid=1N4FBYYQBSB30&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XMavfoXoaVchLirrzky5znv6dmAcQzMopOAdZxuvZKQuDPSkzfHoeko93_w3D7l1rW6ppIZAZvmerKdcMHy2MDm9JSfu6l8nX3Ws9itlpXw.QOQXJa45TWjYu6Z8IdV8jPAHd0iCRd1J5pZvlLswsjY&dib_tag=se&keywords=liturgy+of+hours+armenian&qid=1725314803&sprefix=liturgy+of+hours+armenian%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-1-fkmr0
Eastern Orthodox Church Book of Hours:
Coptic Orthodox Church Book of Hours: https://www.amazon.com/Agpeya-Mark-Coptic-Orthodox-Church/dp/154484770X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1CBKHDC9R0KTF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9HsFv_Cz-w6K4xC-a4qQ2AXev5LDbMYAEDsdmAI-cSvqRzhwQwhDufZitjBOFi3C-SiijLE5FUkHd51ejhaipfhPueaTIT-QagccPTiw34o8cBY9Rk8cVsRoCLslGsvkzQBg6cWUpInlWlyT32b2fNzK7pwFAzzQzOt2Y1faNquGA4y8URSqrtWewYtg7Y85YroXROQL1_c3qtwc0d3Izu9csm9QZsGHSB7sn0oIe08.iagM_TGoMhazQ6UE7_DUYADcVo1fgs7InJRn7SSJFL0&dib_tag=se&keywords=hours+orthodox+church&qid=1725315005&sprefix=hours+orthodox+church%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-2
Griqor Narekatsi (in Armenian): https://www.amazon.com/Book-La....mentations-Narek-Gre
Griqor Narekatsi (In English): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/5550012111/ref=x_gr_bb_amazon?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_bb_amazon-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=5550012111&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2
St John Chrysostom "On Marriage and Family Life" (Popular Patristics): https://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Family-English-Ancient-Greek/dp/0913836869/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.O6Sj9dY3IGPw6Tzu5FASrFMPvqIXpKpvBnnlKU0X3GpPt3DIbMnwBBaWv1lLSO1fRuq8aH6rGunjUcwzt9EcEeh5pUFg4OxvqiTahXlYVfq31zUZru66vHQUcOZ3NeEnFhDMgoDFgEZXhYNORACdx2HEBBb_Tb9GuWKafosGyMSE82I61LJwonbR3Cf-aJXJdIfYpobF3InlXIfhmJ0Jvw.EPbKKkLla9X2dgZ2vAmDsNgF5TOGq0FFxmKIwb83yoE&dib_tag=se&qid=1725311715&refinements=p_27%3AJohn+Chrysostom&s=books&sr=1-1
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St. Gregory of Tatev "The Book of Questions": https://www.amazon.com/Book-Qu....estions-Gregory-Tate
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When I Go To Church: https://www.stvartanbookstore.....com/When-I-Go-To-Chu
When I was baptized: https://www.stvartanbookstore.....com/When-I-Was-Bapti
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While exploring a 700 year old monastery, Simon Reeve looks at Ethiopia's history of Christianity, the first Christian Kingdom in the world.
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What's the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church?
Oriental Orthodox Church includes:
1. Coptic Orthodox Church
2. Ethiopian Orthodox Church
3. Armenian Orthodox Church
4. Malankara Orthodox Church
5. Eritrean Orthodox Church
Eastern Orthodox Church includes:
1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
3. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch
4. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem
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A representative of The Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Kingston, Jamaica shares history, beliefs and practices of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. #Ethiopia #BlackStudies #Jamaica
Orthodoxy is given to us by God that we may enter His eternal Pascha
Discover Romania's monumental creations, from the colossal Palace of the Parliament to the ongoing construction of the world's tallest Orthodox cathedral. Are these projects worth their immense cost?
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Zach meets with a Greek Orthodox, who isn't...Greek! Noah works and lives at the St. Sophia Cathedral here in LA. A fairly "new" member of the church at 26, he has been with the a member for 7 years and has a leadership role working with the people in his age group.
Created by: Zach Anner
Host: Zach Anner
Executive Producer: Krissy Wall
Producer - Jessica Jardine
DP - Michael Totten
DP - Kiki Allgeirer
Audio - Kile Stumbo
PA - Rob Blake
Ancillary Producer - Brad Anner
Editor - Max Dionne
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How do students react when high school boys are treated like women in Congress?? CLICK HERE to find out!
Father Maggos explains when to make the Sign of the Cross and addresses important tips on how to make it respectfully.
Hosted by Father Angelo Maggos of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester, NY.
Please subscribe and visit our website for more information about our Church and upcoming events! If you have any questions about the Greek Orthodox faith that you would like to see explored, let us know in the comments below!
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Website: https://annunciationrochester.org/
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Recorded & Edited by Demos Euclid
Additional Footage by Spiros Kapatos
Forever Fotographia
Music by SfxValley
#greekorthodox #roc #greekeaster
Ethiopia's Orthodox Tewahedo Church is one of the largest and oldest in Africa.
But there's been a split within its ranks after three Bishops formed their own patriarchate they named 'Oromia and Nations and Nationalities Synod’ last month.
The move led to weeks of unrest, divisions and violence in some regions.
The government has banned rallies and restricted social media.
But the fallout could still have ramifications for the Church itself and the country.
So, what's behind this schism in the Ethiopian Orthodox church?
Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom
Father Alemayehu Desta - a Priest at the Holy Trinity Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Texas.
Arega Getaneh - a Theologian specializing in Ethiopia’s extensive religious groups.
Tewodrose Tirfe - Chairman of the Amhara Association of America.
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Ahead of Easter Sunday, Christians have been celebrating the Holy Fire ceremony in Occupied East Jerusalem.
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker has more.
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#OrthodoxEaster #IsraelRestrictions #SubduedCelebrations #EastJerusalem #WestBank #Pales-tinianChristians #GazaWar #Easter2024
Orthodox churches are beautiful and magnificent. They are definitely worth visiting. Are there specific rules of conduct though? How do we conduct ourselves in an Orthodox church?
Greek Orthodoxy has always been a bit of a mystery to me, and I wanted to get a clearer sense of what it's all about so I drove down to the Assumption Cathedral in Denver, Colorado and spent the morning getting answers straight from the source.
Huge thanks to Father Chris Margaritis for taking the time to hang out!
This video literally happened because there are people on the Internet who've decided to support this channel. They, no doubt, don't agree with me about every single thing in the Bible and Christianity, but they overlook that and help make this channel happen anyways and that means a ton to me.
You can support the channel at patreon.com/tmbh
Thanks to top supporters like Christian Grover, Sarah Sims, Alex, Paul Vermeulen, Tyler Reed, Frank Phillips, Micah Owens,
Jake Purvis, David Coutcher, Chris Nolte,
Jonathan Paz, Seth C Tucker, JR, Damon A. Easley, JMW, Gobo Kinje, That Christian Vlogger, Richard Tubb, and Ben La Tour.
Orthodox Church Life
"The Church is the earthly heaven in which the heavenly God dwells and moves."
An Orthodox Church is that part of God’s creation which has been set apart and “reclaimed” for the Kingdom of God. Within its walls, the heavenly and earthly realms meet, outside time, in the acts of worship and Sacrifice offered there to God. Angels assist the Priest during the Divine Liturgy, and Saints and members of the Church Triumphant participate in the Services. The Blessed Theotokos, the Mother of God, is also present and, of course, our Lord Jesus Christ is invisibly present wherever two or three gather in His Name, just as He is always present in the reserved Eucharist preserved on the Holy Table of most Orthodox Churches.
Given these very significant spiritual realities, we should always approach an Orthodox Church with the deepest attitude of reverence. Even when passing an Orthodox Church on foot or in a car, we always cross ourselves out of respect for the presence of God therein. It is, indeed, unthinkable that we should ever pass in front of an Orthodox Church without showing such reverence. Therefore, it is obvious that we must approach our meeting with the heavenly realm during Divine Services with careful and proper preparation.