Qidist (Holy) - Mezmur Explanation
A brief explanation of St. Yared's mezmur for the second week of Great Lent "Qidist (Holy)" (March 2, 2025)
"Give thanks to God and call upon His name Speak of His works to the people and give honor to His name. Honor the Sabbath and do righteous deeds. Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Remain prepared and think of the highest place where Christ dwells."
gineyu le’igizī’ābiḥēri wets’ewi‘u simo wenigiriwomu le’āḥizabi migibaro hābu sibiḥāte lesimu ākibiru senibete tegeberu ts’idik’e zigibu lekimu mezigebe zebesemayati ḫābe ts’ats’ē īyamasino we’īyirekibo serak’ī duldiliwanīkimu niberu zebela‘ilu hāliyu ḫābe hālo kirisitosi
ትርጕም፦ ግነዩ ለእግዚአብሔር ወጸውዑ ስሞ ወንግርዎሙ ለአሕዛብ ምግባሮ ሀቡ ስብሐተ ለስሙ አክብሩ ሰንበተ ተገበሩ ጽድቀ ዝግቡ ለክሙ መዝገበ ዘበሰማያት ኀበ ፃፄ ኢያማስኖ ወኢይረክቦ ሰራቂ ድልዋኒክሙ ንበሩ ዘበላዕሉ ሀልዩ ኀበ ሀሎ ክርስቶስ።